In light of the qualitative and quantitative indicators as stated above, NUSPS has constructed a robust Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section as follows.

1. Who can take part in the NUSPS Montage 2021 Competition?


Anyone who has registered through and submitted their entries via their Instagram accounts using the respective hashtags will be considered for NUSPS’ Montage 2021 Competition.

2. What are the categories available?


Open Category (#NUSPSChangeOpen): 13 years old and above.
Youth Category (#NUSPSChangeYouth): Between 13 and 25 years old as of 1st Jan 2021.

3. Can I join both categories at the same time?


Yes, as long as your age qualifies, you may join both the Open and Youth categories. However, you may only win one prize.

4. Do I need to pay to join the Montage 2021 Competition?


No, participation in the Montage 2021 Competition is free of charge. Any publicity material that claims otherwise is fraudulent and should be treated as such; do also report such incidents to the Organisers if you come across them!

5. How do I register and qualify for the Montage 2021 Competition?


To qualify and have your entry considered valid for Montage 2021, participants must satisfy ALL of the below requirements:

  1. Register via:
  2. Add either #NUSPSChangeYouth or #NUSPSChangeOpen to your Instagram post according to the category you are submitting to.
  3. Additionally, hashtag all of the following: #NUSPS, #Montage2021, #CathayPhoto, #Profoto, #CreateWithSrishti, #nycsg, #ycmsg, and #youngchangemakers.
  4. Ensure you retain the original image file (e.g. camera RAW, DNG, JPEG/JPG file with EXIF data, etc.) and/or film negatives for photos submitted. Shortlisted participants will be required to submit these items for verification purposes.
  5. Instagram account used to post the participating work must be public. Your account must be following @NUSPS, @srishtidigilife_sg, @CathayPhoto on Instagram.

6. What if I submit via Instagram but I didn’t register on the Montage website?


Your submission will not be valid. Please ensure that you register at before submitting on Instagram.

7. I can’t remember if I’ve registered for Montage yet, how do I check?


You will receive a verification email upon registering for the Montage Competition, please check your inbox or spam folder. If you have further questions, you can email us at

8. When is the competition period?


The Competition is open for entry from 8th May 2021 00:00 hours (Singapore Time) to 11th July 2021 23:59 hours (Singapore Time). Only submissions posted during this period will be considered.

9. Can I tag my pre-existing Instagram posts?


If you wish to reuse pre-existing Instagram posts, please reupload the post with the appropriate caption and hashtags to be considered as an entry. Posts made outside the competition period will not be entertained.

10. What can I submit?


Only still images taken on any camera is allowed. Videos, GIFs, digital artwork, illustrations, animations, composite photographs or any other formats will not be accepted.

11. How many entries can I submit?


Each Instagram post is considered one entry. Each participant can only submit a maximum of one entry per category (i.e. up to two entries, one under Open, and one under Youth). The appropriate hashtags must be used (i.e. either #NUSPSChangeOpen or #NUSPSChangeYouth). All competition requirements (as stated on the registration page) must be fulfilled in order for the submission to be valid.

12. Can I submit multiple photographs per entry (post)?


Yes, in fact we recommend that participants submit multiple photos if they find it more effective in capturing the messages they want to convey. Determination of whether your entry fits the “storyline/message” criteria will be at the sole discretion of the judging panel.

13. What is the judging criteria for the Montage 2021 Competition?


Judging will be based primarily on the quality of the entries, the quality of the entry caption vis-a-vis its contribution to the understanding of the photograph, and its alignment to the theme, ‘Change’ will be taken into consideration. Judging will be conducted by a panel of professional judges who will score each photo based on a set scoring system to ensure fairness.

14. How do I hashtag?


  • Hashtag #NUSPSChangeYouth in your Instagram post if you are participating in the Youth Category.
  • Hashtag #NUSPSChangeOpen in your Instagram post if you are participating in the Open Category.
  • Please also add the following hashtags to your posts: #NUSPS, #Montage2021, #CathayPhoto, #Profoto, #CreateWithSrishti, #nycsg, #ycmsg, and #youngchangemakers.

You may only enter one category per submission. Do not tag both categories in a single post. If you hashtag both, your entry will be counted towards the Open Category by default.

15. Can I use the same entry for submission to both the Youth and Open category?


No. Entries submitted for each category must be different. Each entry can only be tagged with one category. Submissions tagging both Youth and Open categories in the same entry will be counted towards the Open Category by default.

16. What happens if I submit more than once in one category?


Please delete the incorrect submission. If you submit more than once in each category, only your first submission entry to each category will be taken into consideration.

17. Can I watermark the photos I submit?


No, all submitted entries should not be watermarked. This is to ensure that judging is unbiased and based solely on the quality of your work. If your photo is watermarked, your entry will be disqualified.

18. Can my entry photos be edited with Lightroom, Photoshop or any related photo editing software?


Yes, however, NUSPS requires participants to submit entries with minimal editing (including but not limited to exposure, color adjustments and cropping in reasonable amounts). This is a photography competition, hence, the focus is not in the editing but in the storytelling from both the photos and caption that is in line with the theme of Change.

19. Can I submit photographs taken in the past?

All images submitted should be taken legally and in compliance with the health advisories issued in light of the COVID situation.

In light of this, entries submitted need not be taken during the period of competition. However, you must ensure that the original image files (e.g. camera RAW, DNG, JPEG/JPG file with EXIF data, etc.) and/or film negatives are retained and retrievable. If you are unable to submit these items for verification purposes upon request, your entry will be disqualified.


Please note that you are not allowed to submit entries that have won or been shortlisted for other photographic competitions. Such entries will be disqualified immediately upon discovery.

20. Can I submit drone photos?


All photographs submitted should be taken legally and in compliance with Singapore Law. You will be required to submit a proof of compliance with CAAS regulations regarding drone flight in Singapore airspace to, including, but not limited to the type of drone used, area where the photo was taken, maximum altitude achieved, date and time.

21. Can I still submit my entries on Instagram after the specified deadline of submission for Montage 2021?


Late submissions will not be recognized or entertained by NUSPS and all relevant parties. Please submit before the end of the competition.

22. How will I be contacted if I win the Montage 2021 competition?

Shortlisted Montage winners will be contacted anytime on 24th July 2021. Take note that if you do not acknowledge your status as a Montage winner within THREE days of our notification, your winning entry will be voided.


If you are overseas or at ICT for servicemen, do ensure that you are still contactable via mobile, email or Instagram. Your original file should be readily available via Google Drive, DropBox, etc. or any other means whereby you are able to send it over to NUSPS for verification.

23. What if I cannot produce the original image files (e.g. RAW/DNG/negative) for my submitted photo upon request?


If you fail to submit it within THREE days of our notification, i.e by 16 July, your entry will be disqualified.

24. How many prizes can I win?


You can only win only one prize, either in the Youth (if your age qualifies and you have registered in this category) or the Open category.

25. Is NUSPS liable for any participants’ claims, loss and individual actions of any nature?


NUSPS is not liable for any loss incurred throughout the duration of the Montage 2021 event. NUSPS does kindly advise that all participants prioritize their safety, health, and the environment throughout the duration of Montage 2021. NUSPS will not be responsible for any negligence, irresponsible or illegal actions conducted by the registered participants and are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own actions. NUSPS is also not responsible for any loss of property or injuries incurred in the course of participation in Montage 2021.


During this COVID-19 period, participants are also reminded to adhere strictly to Ministry of Health guidelines regarding social distancing during this period. Please refer to for more information.

26. What happens if I plagiarize?


All photographs submitted should be taken legally and in compliance with intellectual property laws in the Republic of Singapore. If you are found to have plagiarized your submission, you will be immediately disqualified from the Montage 2021 competition and blacklisted from all future NUSPS events and Montage competitions.

27. Have any further questions?


You can contact us at


1. Who can join the Montage Workshops?


Montage Workshops are only open to Montage 2021 Photography Competition participants. Please sign up for the competition before registering for the workshops. There is no participant limit for the online Zoom Workshop but a limited number of slots are available for the practical workshops.

2. Can I join Montage Workshops if I am not a participant of the Montage Competition?


No, you must be a registered competition participant to join the Workshops.

3. Am I required to submit my Montage 2021 Competition entry to Instagram before joining the Montage Workshops?


No, as long as you have registered for the Montage 2021 Photography Competition, you can join the Montage Workshops. You are not required to have already submitted your entry on Instagram to join..

4. I’m a participant in the Montage 2021 Photography Competition, is it compulsory to join these Montage Workshops?


No, Montage Workshops are optional for all participants. Participation in Montage Workshops has no bearing on the judging process for the Montage 2021 Competition. However, you are highly encouraged to join as we have quite the exciting and enriching line up in store for you, including talks by famous photographers!

5. Do I need to pay to join the Montage 2021?


No, both the Montage Photography Competition and Montage workshops are free-of-charge. However you are required to sign up in order to participate.

6. Do I need to pay to join the Montage 2021?


Yes, you can participate in all Montage Workshops as long as you sign up beforehand.

7. How will Montage Workshops be held?


All workshops will be held online. Please create a free Zoom account ahead of time as you will need an account to join.


Online Montage Workshops will be conducted seminar or panel-style where the guest photographer takes centre stage for the entire presentation. Your mic and webcam will be disabled when you enter.

8. What do I need to do before the Workshop?


You will require a Zoom account to join the online workshops. Please create one ahead of time. Refer to Workshop FAQ (10) on instructions to download Zoom. Please rename yourself to the name you have registered for the workshop or you might not be allowed entry to the session.

9. When should I log into the Workshop session?


To facilitate administrative processes and mitigate potential technical issues, please log in 15 minutes before the official start time.

10. How do you download Zoom?


Zoom is a free to download software/App, you can download Zoom here:

11. How do I register for a workshop?


Once you have registered for Montage 2021, a confirmation email will be sent to you with the links to sign up for all the workshops. Also, these links will be available on the webpage for the specific workshops. Emails promoting specific workshops will be sent to Montage participants containing the relevant sign-up links. Please be reminded to sign up for Montage 2021 first before registering for a workshop; we will check for this when determining whether your registration for a workshop is successful.

12. I have successfully registered for a Montage Workshop, how do I join the online workshop?


The Zoom meeting website link, meeting room ID and password will be sent to you via email. Click on the link and key in the Zoom meeting room ID and password to join the session. Upon entering the meeting room, your microphone and webcam will be disabled.

13. How long are the Montage Workshops?


The duration will vary according to the content. You may refer to the individual workshops’ webpages to check the duration.

14. I’ve registered for the Montage Workshop but I realised I can’t make it any more, what do I do?


Please ensure you are available during the workshop before registering as slots are limited. If extenuating circumstances arise, you can cancel your slot, by emailing us at

15. How can I ask questions during the Workshop?


You can either unmute yourself or send any questions regarding the workshop through the Zoom chat. However, please save your questions for the Q&A section at the end of the session.

16. Will the Workshop be recorded?


For the safety of all participants and for legal reasons, all Montage Workshops will be recorded to ensure acceptable conduct by all parties involved. Also, a link to the recording will be made available for your viewing at your own time, subject to the consent of our guest speakers to protect their intellectual property rights. However, you will be asked to enter a password which must be entered upon request to watch it again. This password will only be made available to Montage participants and cannot be communicated to others.


We seek your understanding that releasing these videos for repeated viewing is a privilege reserved only to Montage participants to not only reward them for registering for the competition but also deter freeloaders. Anyone found transferring passwords to our online workshop videos to unauthorized people without NUSPS consent will be disqualified from the competition.

17. Will the Workshop be recorded?


No, only successfully registered participants for Montage are allowed to join the session. Zoom-bombing is strictly prohibited. Please rename yourself to the name you have registered for the competition beforehand or you might not be allowed entry to the session.

18. What if I need to leave the Online Workshop early?


If you need to leave early due to extenuating circumstances, please drop a message to the Zoom host before doing so.

19. What happens if my connection is terminated due to a bad connection?


If you are disconnected from the session due to a dropped connection, please rejoin the meeting once you are back online. The Zoom host will permit you to reenter the session as long as you are a registered participant.

20. Will the presentation materials used by the guest photographer be published?


While we plan to make the workshop recording to Montage participants, as this entails the intellectual property of the guest photographers, the materials will not be made publicly available unless the guest photographers indicate otherwise.

21. When do signups for Montage Workshops close?


Signups for a Montage online workshop will close on SGT 10:00 TWO days before the workshop.

22. Is Montage 2021 related to Zoom?


Montage 2021 Workshops are not authorised, endorsed or sponsored by Zoom Video Communications Inc. As such, all Montage 2021 Workshops will receive the full protection of Zoom Video Communications Inc’s privacy policy and personal data protection agreement.