As the saying goes, Change is the only constant.


Change connects our experiences as we shift from season to season, weaving in and out of the good times and the bad. Change happens within us and all around us, colouring our experiences and relationships.

Tell us in 5 pictures or fewer about a change you have observed or exprienced, or a change that might happen in the future. What do you think or feel about it? How do you act or react to it? From observations of the world around you, to expressions of the world within you, we look forward to seeing change captured by your lenses in Montage 2021.


For Ages 13 and above
For Ages 13 to 25

How to participate:

1. Register here!

2. Add either #NUSPSChangeYouth or #NUSPSChangeOpen to your Instagram post according to the category you are submitting to.

3. Also, Include also the following hashtags in your post: #NUSPS, #Montage2021, #CathayPhoto, #Profoto, #CreateWithSrishti, #nycsg, #ycmsg, and #youngchangemakers

4. Ensure that you're following @NUSPS, @srishtidigilife_sg, @CathayPhoto on Instagram!

5. Ensure that your Instagram account is public!



Wildlife Photography

Interested in bird photography or macro photography? Sign up now for our Wildlife Photography workshop where experienced photographers will be sharing more on how to capture wildlife effectively!

Online Workshop:
Date: 22 May 2021
Time: 7pm - 9pm

Advanced Birding Photography

Want to learn more about birding photography? As part of Montage 2021, we have invited Birding Photographer James Gan to give Montage 2021 participants an advanced birding workshop!

Online Workshop:
Date: 12 June 2021
Time: 7pm - 8:30pm

Photography StoryTelling

Do you know how powerful photographs can be to craft a story? Join us in an engaging and insightful workshop, where you will receive training and feedback from experienced local documentary photographers!

Online Workshop:
Date: 19 June 2021
Time: 6:30pm - 9pm

Lighting Photography

Want to learn basic lighting theory, equipment and techniques to improve your photography and shoot effectively? Sign up for the final instalment of our exciting series of Montage workshops - Lighting Workshop!

Online Workshop:
Date: 3 July 2021
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm



Even professionals start off as beginners. However, everyone's beginning is different. How did Benny Ang, a Fujifilm X-Photographer with a career spanning over 20 years, and Xing Jie, a rising fashion and artistic photographer, embark on their respective photography journeys? Watch our Montage 2021-exclusive production Light Talk and embark on a journey with a pair of cross-generational photographers as they answer some of the photography mysteries out there.

Check out the rest of the episodes here!





Exhibition for Montage will be held daily at National Library, Level 8, from 19th August to 22nd August, 10am to 9pm.







Since its inception in 1969, NUSPS has held an annual photography competition for the benefit of the local photographic community. Initially known as the International Photographic Salon, it transitioned to its current form, Montage in 1999. Since then, Montage has gone from strength to strength, inspiring more aspiring and passionate photographers every year.


Founded in 1969, The Photographic Society of National University of Singapore (NUSPS) is one of the earliest photographic interest groups formed. Our society is actively involved in connecting like-minded individuals with a passion for photography to meet and pursue photography together. We plan and organise many courses, workshops, photo walks to keep members engaged.